How much CBD should be in edibles?

The FDA does not monitor CBD production and usage, and it has not recommended the right amount of CBD in your edibles. How much CBD is in your edibles depends on many factors, including why you are on a CBD regime, your CBD history, and how often you are taking the edibles. Found out more about how much CBD you need in the edibles by reading this article.

CBD edibles are many CBD fans’ favorite pick for delivering the cannabinoid to the body but how much CBD they should have does not have a one-size-fits-all sort of thing. CBD fans have varying CBD needs and preferences and what might be enough for one user might be too little or much for the other. One’s previous CBD experience, the reason for taking CBD edibles, the severity of the condition (in case the CBD edibles help him manage a condition), and how often he takes CBD edibles are among the many factors influencing how much CBD he can have in the edibles. Read this article for some light on CBD edibles and how much CBD you need in them.

What Is CBD?

Before looking at CBD edibles and why they are popular, you want to understand CBD as a compound. Marijuana and hemp plants are yow common agricultural plants in the US and which share two things in common; they belong to the cannabis plants and feature chemical compounds called cannabinoids. There are hundreds of cannabinoids in nature, both natural and synthetic, and CBD remains outstanding for being natural. Besides, according to Massi et al. (2006), unlike THC, another cannabinoid, which is intoxicating according to Schlienz et al. (2018), CBD is non-intoxicating and will not make you high. Moreover, Watt & Karl (2017) stated that CBD has therapeutic effects, further explaining why many CBD fans are after this cannabinoid. Do you also find CBD great for its therapeutic and non-psychoactive nature?

CBD Edibles- What’s the deal with Them?

There are many ways to explore the benefits linked to CBD. You can ingest, topically apply, swallow, or sublingually administer CBD for its benefits. No method is superior to the other but has pros and cons that you have to weigh before choosing which way to go. CBD edibles are food-like ingestible CBD delivery methods and include premade forms like CBD cookies, gummies, honey sticks, brownies, and chocolates, or CBD-infused dishes, beverages, and homemade goods. Do you care to know why many CBD fans relate to CBD edibles? Unlike CBD oils and tinctures, they let you enjoy CBD benefits without feeling its taste, mostly earthy, bitter, and no-so-pleasing. Still, all CBD edibles are slow to deliver CBD effects since they need time for digestion before they can release CBD to the body.

How Much CBD Should Be in Premade CBD Edibles?

Do you want to enjoy CBD benefits by tapping into CBD desserts like gummies, brownies, cookies, chocolates, and other premade options? You certainly will wonder what potency to for, or how much CBD needs to be in these products. Unfortunately, CBD dosage and concentration do not have the one-size-fits-all sort of thing. CBD fans have varying CBD needs and one potency one user chooses might be too light or too much for the other user. If you are to buy CBD edibles, visit your doctor to get advice on how much CBD you will need on the premade edibles. Still, the right CBD potency for a person depends on many factors that vary from one individual to another, as the next section expounds.

CBD in Your Dishes

CBD is now part of the cuisine and CBD baking and cooking oils fill pantries. Besides, some people have CBD oils for oral or sublingual administration but do not administer them this way but prefer to add them to savory foods, beverages, and drinks. Even when making baked products, some CBD fans make the cannabinoid part of the recipe. How much CBD oil should be in such homemade options? Like premade CBD edibles, there is no one-size-fits-all CBD potency for all fans. Rather, the much CBD you can incorporate in your dishes depends on the following factors;

  1. CBD experience; when new to the CBD regime, you need little CBD in any delivery method until the body gets used to the cannabinoid but this changes as you take CBD more and more, until when you can take higher concentrations and potencies.
  2. The frequency of taking CBD edibles; the more you take CBD edibles in a day, the more the cannabinoid accumulates in your system. If you plan to take it once a day, the dosage in the edibles might be higher than when taking the edibles many times a day.
  3. Metabolism; a fast metabolism means faster CBD digestion and action, so people with fast metabolic rates might be ok with higher CBD amounts than others.
  4. Why you are taking CBD edibles; the purpose for joining the cannabis regimen matters. If you want CBD edibles for a health condition, higher doses might appeal to you than when taking it for general well-being.
  5. The severity of the condition; the severer the condition for which you are taking CBD edibles, the more cannabinoid you might need in the edibles.
  6. Genetic factors; because of genetic variation, one CBD fan might be ok with a higher CBD amount in edibles than another user.
  7. Body composition; body weight and other body composition factors matter in determining the right amount of CBD in the edibles. Heavyweight individuals might need more CBD in edibles than lightweight individuals.

How Do You Know You Are Having Enough CBD in Your Edibles?

Since there are no CBD dosage recommendations, it might be hard to tell when you have reached a threshold. Bass & Linz (2020) documented a case of CBD toxicity in which a user lost consciousness from taking too many CBD gummies. Still, you need not get there to know that you have had enough CBD. Once you see a change in the problem for which you are taking CBD gummies, you will have known that you have had enough of the cannabinoid.


CBD edibles are ideal for taking for enjoying CBD benefits with taste and flavor. Still, how much CBD should be in them is not a one-size-fits-all relationship. Rather, CBD users have varying needs and preferences, which are dependent on many factors. How much CBD you need in the edibles depends on your CBD experience, metabolic rates, frequency of taking the edibles, body factors, and many other factors. Peer into this article to get the gist of measuring out CBD dosage in your edibles.


Bass, J., & Linz, D. R. (2020). A case of toxicity from cannabidiol gummy ingestion. Cureus, 12(4).

Massi, P., Vaccani, A., Bianchessi, S., Costa, B., Macchi, P., & Parolaro, D. (2006). The non-psychoactive cannabidiol triggers caspase activation and oxidative stress in human glioma cells. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS, 63(17), 2057-2066.

Schlienz, N. J., Lee, D. C., Stitzer, M. L., & Vandrey, R. (2018). The effect of high-dose dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance on cannabis self-administration. Drug and alcohol dependence, 187, 254-260.

Watt, G., & Karl, T. (2017). In vivo evidence for therapeutic properties of cannabidiol (CBD) for Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in pharmacology, 8, 20.


Barbara Santini